
The club currently has about 170 members, encompassing a wide range of ages and abilities. If you are considering joining the club, rest assured that you will be made very welcome by the current members. In addition to access to the club's courts and club house, members are also able to join in the various social activities at the club. If you are looking for competitive play, the club runs one-day events for juniors and adults and enters teams in a variety of competitions. There are regular team practices for team members and club members also benefit from a discount on coaching fees.

Adult membership includes the use of club balls, which are replaced regularly. Members of the club are also eligible for free LTA British Tennis Membership. The club is affiliated with the Lawn Tennis Association and encourages its members to join this worthwhile society, which has benefits for social as well as competitive players. Each year, the LTA allocates a number of Wimbledon tickets to the club for distribution amongst its members.

It can sometimes be daunting to try out a new activity or club, but we aim to make this club as welcoming as possible. So why not come along to try the courts and meet our members? For adults, Tuesday and Thursday evenings are a great time to visit. At these time there are normally plenty of members with whom you can have a social game. If you are lucky enough not to be working during the day, then you could try a Monday or Friday morning, both of which have a good turnout. If you'd prefer to improve your game first, how about trying one of the coaching sessions? For youngsters, the best way to be introduced to the club is to contact the club coach Mike Armstrong, who will know the best time to play with others of a similar age and ability.

Subscription rates for the season from April 1st 2025 to March 31st 2026 are as follows:

Senior£240 (£220 for early payment)adult aged over 18
Country£130 (£120 for early payment)senior living more than 15 miles away "as the crow flies"
Young Adult£130 (£120 for early payment)born after 30th August 1999 and in full time education or born after 30th August 2003
Junior U18£75 (£65 for early payment)born after 30th August 2006
Junior U16£50 (£45 for early payment)born after 30th August 2008
Junior U10£30 (£25 for early payment)born after 30th August 2014
Parent£40may play with Junior U10 child(ren) after 14:00 at weekends
Social£15may play on up to 3 occasions

The cost for new members joining part way through the year is calculated pro-rata on the number of full or part months of membership (except for social membership). For example, for a new 15 year old joining on August 10th, the fee would be £33.33 (£50 x 8 / 12).

Temporary membership is available for special circumstances. The Management Committee will consider applications for temporary membership.

Families living at the same address and having two or more playing members with at least one senior member benefit from a 10% discount on each playing member's fee.

Visitors' fees are £5 per day for adults; £2.50 for juniors, for a maximum of 5 visits prior to joining. Visitors' fees are refundable against subsequent membership.

Floodlights are operated by tokens which cost £2.00 and provide 30 minutes of illumination.

A 5% discount at racket sports specialist company MDG Sports is available to members using code MA5OFF. MDG Sports offer a wide range of rackets, clothing, shoes and accessories.

If you would like to join the club, please complete the membership application form. You can pay the fee either by bank transfer or by cash or cheque to the treasurer.