Membership Application For The Year 1st April 2025 To 31st March 2026

Note, previous members only use "renewal" if your membership period is unbroken. If there has been a break in your membership, use "new member".
NameGenderMembership ClassTelephoneEmailDate of Birth
(Young Adult & Junior)
Discount  % 
Deductible Visitor Fees (new members only) 
Total Amount Payable 
AddressPayment Method

Please forward cash and cheques to Treasurer Dave Egerton, 4 Grange Close, Ellenhall, Stafford, ST21 6JN Tel: 07910 418232
Applications for new memberships will be considered by the Management Committee.
If payment has been made, applicants may use the facilities of the Club while their application is being considered.
If membership is declined, the fee paid will be refunded in full.

New playing members joining part way through the year pay pro-rata based on the number of full or part months of membership.
For example, for a new 17 year old joining on August 10th, the fee would be £26.67 (£40 x 8 / 12).

If the application is for junior members only, please also provide the name, telephone number and email address of a parent or guardian, using “Contact” as the Membership Class.

All adult members of the Club are required to be shareholders in the Club.
This form is an application for one share in the Club by each new adult member and any renewing adult member who is not already a registered shareholder.
£1.00 of the subscription shall be applied in paying for the share. Shares are not transferable and are forfeited on cessation of membership.
Completed By: Please complete all items highlighted in redDate:               
Membership ClassFeeNotes
Senior£240(£220 if paid before 1st April)Senior membership includes £1 for a share for any non-shareholder
Country£130(£120 if paid before 1st April)Senior living more than 15 miles away “as the crow flies”; includes a share as above
Young Adult£130(£120 if paid before 1st April)Born after 30th August 1999 and in full time education, or born after 30th August 2003; includes a share as above
Junior U18 £75(£65 if paid before 1st April)Born after 30th August 2006
Junior U16 £50(£45 if paid before 1st April)Born after 30th August 2008
Junior U10 £30(£25 if paid before 1st April)Born after 30th August 2014
Parent£40May play with Junior U10 child(ren) after 14:00 at weekends; includes a share as above
Social£15May play on up to 3 occasions free of charge; includes a share as above for those aged over 18
TemporaryVariableApply to the Management Committee

Data Protection and Privacy

We take data protection and privacy seriously.
We will only use your details directly in the running of the club and will not ask you to provide information that is not relevant to this.
We will not pass any of your details to any third party except where required by law, for example to a government body or law enforcement agency.
If you do not want the club to use your email address or telephone number at all, do not provide these details. However, this may mean you miss important information, as we only send information by post in exceptional circumstances.
You can choose whether your telephone number and email address are kept completely private, visible to other club members, or for adults, visible to the public. If you have provided a picture, it will only be visible to the public if you have specified your telephone number or email address to be publicly visible, otherwise it will be visible to other club members. Phone numbers and email addresses that have been specified as visible to other club members may be shown to members logged on to the website and included on a members list in the clubhouse entrance.
You can choose whether to receive informational emails about events and other material from the management committee. Informational emails contain a link to enable you to opt out of receiving further emails. If you have registered an on-line account on the club website, you can change your email preferences whenever you like using Account->Details. If you have not registered an on-line account, and have opted out of receiving emails, you will need to contact the membership secretary to opt in again. If you have opted out of receiving informational emails, you will still receive membership renewal notices, general meeting notices (adults) and other notices that are deemed important.
You can also choose to receive group-specific emails sent by other members of the club. These emails also contain a link to enable you to opt out of receiving further emails from the group. If you have registered an on-line account on the club website, you can opt in or out of receiving group-specific emails whenever you like using Account->Group Subscriptions. If you have not registered an on-line account, you will need to contact the group administrator to opt in to receiving emails from a group.
If you want to see the data held about you, please contact the membership secretary.