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Presentation to the Groundsman

An interesting ceremony took place on the Basford tennis ground last Saturday week, when an eight-day timepiece, supplied by Messrs. Pidduck and Son, Hanley, was presented to the groundsman, Mr. John Knight, on his retirement after 26 years’ service. The secretary, Mr. H. T. Heatley, in his remarks said that the members felt that they could not allow their groundsman to retire after such a long period of service without recognising in some tangible form the great care and attention he had always given to the courts, and the efforts he had put forward for the comfort of the members of the club. The presentation was made by Mrs. Heatley. The inscription on the clock was as follows: “Presented to John Knight by the members of the Basford Lawn Tennis Club on his retirement after 26 years’ service. May, 1915”

Staffordshire Sentinel, 05 June 1915
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media