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Basford Lawn Tennis

At the annual meeting of the Basford Lawn Tennis Club, held in the clubhouse, the following officers were elected for the year :-

President, Mr. W. J. Miller; Vice-President, Mr. F. Wilkes; Secretary, Mr. F. Wilkes; Treasurer, Mr. F. Brodsgate.

The President, in his remarks, expressed great satisfaction at the interest now being taken in the club generally and noted with pleasure the growth in the number of new members.

Financially, the club were in a better position than for many years. The fencing had been put in good order and the wall round the courts partially rebuilt at considerable expense, and after allowing for depreciation, they still had a balance in hand.

The Debentures had been reduced by £160 and it was proposed to pay off another £30 in June. He was particularly desirous of seeing the remaining Debentures repaid at the earliest possible date.

Sincere thanks were due to all members of the Committee for their loyal support and to the Secretary and Treasurer.

It was hoped to reintroduce in the coming season competitions for the various cups and to enter leagues and arrange private matches.

In conclusion, the President said the Bridge Club continued to thrive and was an asset both financially and socially.

Evening Sentinel, 24 March 1948
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media