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The Basford Lawn Tennis Club held their annual concert on Friday evening, in St. Mark’s Clubroom. The attendance was not so good as might have been expected. This, however, did not prevent the evening from being a musical success. Miss Richardson was in excellent voice, her rendering of “Bid me discourse” being especially fine. An encore was the natural result, as was also the case with her song, “Cherry Ripe.” Miss Blain sang with spirit and feeling her two songs, “Within a mile of Edinboro’ toon,” and “Alba,” the former being deservedly encored. Mr. J. Bailey (tenor) and Mr. E. H. Powell (baritone) gave their songs very effectively, the first-named obtaining an encore for his rendering of “I only live for thee.” Of the instrumental pieces, a selection from Patience was given somewhat indifferently, practice evidently being required; any defect here, however, was amply atoned for in the rendering of Gounod’s “Meditation,” the violin and violoncello parts being played with great taste and feeling by Mr. Stewart Varcoe and Mr. J. Farmer. Mr. Varcoe was heard to even greater advantage in his solo, “Tannhauser.” Both execution and expression were good. Mr. J. Farmer, with his usual ability, officiated as accompanist. In addition to the musical programme, two readings were given by the Rev. A. S. Maclean, each being well rendered and received with applause.

Staffordshire Sentinel, 12 December 1885
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media