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Satisfactory Position Reported at Annual Meeting

The annual general meeting of the Basford Lawn Tennis Club which has been in existence for 42 years, was held in the Church Room, Basford, on Tuesday, March 30th, Mr. J. Wilfred Shirley presiding.

The statement of accounts showed that the total receipts for season 1925, with £53 11s. 6d. brought forward from 1924, amounted to £269 18s. 5d., the highest on record, and the expenses were £73 16s. 1d., the lowest for 10 years, leaving a balance in hand of £196 2s. 4d.

A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. N. F. Gibbons for auditing the accounts, and to Miss Worton for her valuable service as tea secretary.

It was unanimously resolved, on the proposition of Mr. Orme, and seconded by Mr. N. F. Gibbons:-(1) That the club be converted into and become an Industrial and Provident Society, under the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, and that the assets and obligations of the club be transferred to and assumed by the registered society: (2) that as from the date of registration of the club as a society, the rules, a copy whereof has been produced to this meeting, and has for the purposes of identification been signed by the chairman, be adopted as the rules of the club in substitution for the present rules.

A vote of thanks, proposed by the chairman and seconded by Mr. N. F. Gibbons, was passed to Mr. Herbert T. Heatley, for his services to the club as hon. secretary for a period of 31 years.

The secretary read a letter from the President, Mr. A. P. Ford, tendering his resignation, which was accepted with regret - a hearty vote of thanks was passed to him for his valuable service during his lengthy period of office.

Applicants for membership of the new club will note that their election cannot take place until after the club is registered which will now soon be done.

Staffordshire Sentinel, 06 April 1926
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media