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Successful Function at the King's Hall, Stoke.

One of the most enjoyable and successful functions ever organised by the Basford Lawn Tennis Club was the invitation dance held in the King's Hall, Stoke, on Friday evening. There was an attendance of about 240, guests coming from all parts of the Potteries and also from neighbouring towns. An excellent programme of dances had been arranged, and the music was supplied by Mr. J. Hewitt's capable orchestra.

Mr. Herbert T. Heatley acted as hon. secretary and M.C., and under his direction the following programme was carried through with complete success: Waltz, "Beautiful Ohio"; fox-trot, "Flare Up"; waltz, "Youth and Beauty"; fox-trot, "Louisiana"; waltz, "Wyoming"; fox-trot, "Blue Blazes"; one step "Oo la la wee wee"; waltz, "Riverside Bells"; fox-trot, "Splashes"; waltz, "Night of Wonder"; waltz, "Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight"; fox-trot, "Peaches Down in Georgia"; one step, "Sand Dunes"; waltz, "Fate"; fox-trot, "Dardanella"; waltz, "Naughty Waltz"; one step, "Swanee"; fox-trot, "I'm Tired of Playing Second Fiddle"; fox-trot, "Frivolity"; waltz, "Lilac Domino"; fox-trot, "Hors D'oeuvres"; waltz, "Passing of Salome." A fox-trot and a waltz were also included as extra dances.

The stewards were Messrs. A. P. Ford, Hubert C. Bladen, A. H. Bladen, Gilbert Howson, Frank C. Johnson, A. B. Jones jun., J. W Shirley and Colley A. Shorter.

The supper was admirably catered for by Messrs. Frank Swinnerton and Son. The polishing of the floor, which was in perfect condition, and the decoration of the hall were the work of Mr. F. Bettany. The plants for the adornment of the stage were supplied from Hanley Park.

Staffordshire Sentinel, 20 December 1920
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media