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The annual dance in connection with the Basford Lawn Tennis Club took place on Friday night in the Municipal Hall, Newcastle, and was most successful. The club dance has been held annually for many years past, and is always looked forward to with considerable pleasure. The club includes among its members some of the best-known residents of the district, and the dance always attracts a very nice party of ladies and gentlemen. On Friday night there were about one hundred present. The larger upper room of the Municipal Hall had been very prettily decorated in gold and green, interspersed with a variety of plants and foliage. Music was supplied in efficient style by Mr. G. Shirley's band, and the floor was in capital condition, so that the dancing was much enjoyed. The arrangements had been carries out by Mr. Herbert T. Heatley in the most satisfactory manner, and Mr. Heatley also acted as M.C. The stewards were Mr. A. P. Ford, Mr. N. F Gibbons, Mr. C. C. Gibbons, Dr. Hartley, Mr. G. H. Keeble, Mr. H. B. Mawdesley, and Mr. J. Wilfred Shirley.

Staffordshire Sentinel, 12 December 1908
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media