The Annual Dance
The annual invitation dance promoted by the Basford Lawn Tennis Club took place on Friday night in the Municipal Hall, Newcastle, and was very successful. About 90 persons were present, and some choice music was played in admirable style by Mr. Rhead's band, of Hartshill. The rooms had been beautifully decorated for the occasion by Messrs. M. Briggs and Son, the walls of the dancing room being draped in green and gold. The floral decorations by Messrs. Jenkinson were of a very pretty description, the grand staircase and the orchestral platform being very effectively treated with some beautiful foliage plants. Dancing was kept up until two o'clock on Saturday morning, and was of the most enjoyable character. Mr. Herbert T. Heatley, the hon. secretary, acted as M.C., and the stewards included Messrs. A. H. Best, A. P. Ford, A. E. Ford, J. Wilfred Shirley, W. M. G. Stocker, J. H. Walmsley, Norman F. Gibbons, and A. H. C. Wenger. Supper was served in the Council Chamber by Messrs. F. Swinnerton and Son, of Hanley. A feature of the table decorations were the pretty flowers from the Crippled Children's Guild, which are now regularly obtained by Messrs. Swinnerton. The arrangements for the dance had been carried out by Mr. H. T. Heatley and the committee, to Mr. Heatley especially much credit being due.
Staffordshire Sentinel, 01 December 1906
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media