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Team of Cheshire County Players Defeated

Basford won an unexpected lawn tennis victory on Saturday, against a very strong Winnington Hall side, all their opponents having played for Cheshire. The Winnington Hall first pair, Woosnam and Harran, won all three events, though they received good opposition from two of the Basford pairs. Their two other pairs did not win an event. The peculiar feature of the match was that that there was not a single three-set event.

After the match Mr. F. T. Alsop, the donor of the "Alsop" Cup, presented the trophy to Mr. N. F. Gibbons, the captain of the Basford team, who this year won the County Inter-Club Competition. He also gave a replica to each member of the winning team, the members of which were A. P. Ford, A. J. Lewis, N. F. Gibbons, S. C. Gibbons, E. H. Bennett and C. J. Noke.

In the match against Winnington Hall, played at Basford, the home team won 6 events to 3, 12 sets to 6 and 95 games to 73. Scores:-

A. P. Ford and A. J. Lewis (Basford) lost to M. Woosnam and E. B. Harran, 3-6, 7-9; beat F. B. Henry and T. N. Price, 6-4, 6-3; beat R. A. Banks and P. R. Wace, 6-4, 6-3.

F. W. Bisiker and A. B. Walker (Basford) lost to M. Woosnam and E. B. Harran, 4-6, 5-7; beat F. B. Henry and T. N. Price, 6-4, 6-1; beat R. A. Banks and P. R. Wace 6-2, 6-1.

N. F. Gibbons and T. C. Gibbons (Basford) lost to M. Woosnam and E. B. Harran, 2-6, 2-6; beat F. B. Henry and T. N. Price, 6-4, 6-4; beat R. A. Banks and P. R. Wace, 6-2, 6-1.

Staffordshire Sentinel, 30 August 1927
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media