(To the Editor of the "Sentinel")
SIR, - Through the medium of the "Sentinel", I should like to express the sincere thanks of the Staffordshire Lawn Tennis Association to the President, officials and members of the Basford Lawn Tennis Club for their kindness in handing over their courts and accommodation to the Association yesterday, on the occasion of matches by famous international players, and for their assistance in making the arrangements.
From the moment when the club was first approached as to the staging of these matches at Basford this Association has been assisted in every possible way by everyone connected with the Basford club, and, in particular, we feel that our thanks are due to the ordinary members who so cheerfully and willingly gave up their rights as members and attended as paying members of the public.
May I also take this opportunity, on behalf of the Association, of thanking all who in any way assisted to make yesterday's event such an outstanding success?
The distinguished players were delighted with the North Staffordshire welcome accorded them, and promised that they would certainly come to Staffordshire again in the near future. The Staffordshire Lawn Tennis Association is glad to have been able to arrange such an attractive programme, and hope that, in addition to pleasing many tennis players who have reached mature years, it will have inspired in the younger players a desire to emulate the feats which have made our guests of yesterday so famous in the world of tennis. - Yours faithfully,
Hon. Secretary,
Staffordshire Lawn Tennis Association,
Sudholme, Stone, Staffordshire, May 12th, 1936.
Evening Sentinel, 12 May 1936
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media