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AN APPLICATION for new squash courts, clubhouse and changing rooms for Basford Lawn Tennis Club was turned down by Newcastle Planning Applications Sub-committee last night.

But the sub-committee said that further talks should be held with the club in an effort to overcome parking and access difficulties.

Mr. David Heath said: ‘The club are genuinely trying to provide better facilities for members. We should see if there is any way the club can be met to see if there could be better parking facilities.

“If the planning application is refused, these excellent facilities will be lost to the borough.’

Mr. Guy. Vernon said the club should consider switching its location so that it could have better facilities.

Sub-committee Chairman Mr. Harold Cork said: “We are trying to help them all we can. They are a self-supporting club, but we have had a lot of objections from neighbours.”

Evening Sentinel, 06 March 1976
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media