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Tennis club plan squash courts

A PLANNING application to build two squash courts has been submitted to Newcastle Borough Council by Basford Lawn Tennis Club.

The club, which has 80 senior and 80 junior members, would also like to rebuild the club-house on West Avenue, Basford.

Said President Mr. Geoff. Gough: “We think that squash would go down a bomb. It would be a sell-out and a boon to the club. The only other courts are at Keele, Stone and Northwood.”

It is hoped that work can start on the £30,000 plans next year to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the club on its present site.

Mr. Gough added: “The new plans do not affect the building line. The courts will be built at a low level so that there will be no inconvenience to nearby residents.”

The ambitious club, who, intend to construct a car park with the new development, are also negotiating for two American-type all-weather tennis courts.

“They are the very latest thing. They play just like a lawn tennis court, and are being adopted on the professional circuits. I think these will be the first ones of their kind in the United Kingdom.”

Evening Sentinel, 01 November 1975
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media