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Application for squash courts is deferred

APPLICATION for two squash courts by Basford Lawn Tennis Club was deferred last night by Newcastle Planning Applications Sub-committee.

An officers’ report recommended the Sub-committee to reject the applications for courts, clubhouse and changing room at West-avenue, Basford, because. of inadequate car parking facilities.

But Council leader Mr. Reg, Lane said: “This is a group of people doing their best to become self-supporting and providing sporting facilities. We should help them in any
possible way we can.

“It seems a pity if we are going to drive this club out of existence just for car parking.”

Drives blocked

Mr. David Heath said that residents in the vicinity of the club have been troubled by members parking and blocking their drives.

But Mr. Guy Vernon said the club tried to cope with the problem by putting up notices asking members not to cause inconvenience to residents when parking.

“The application was deferred for the officers to have talks with club officials in an effort to sort the car parking problem.

Evening Sentinel, 18 December 1975
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media