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Thrilling Mixed Doubles


The officials and members of the Staffordshire Lawn Tennis Association are to be congratulated on the great success which attended the exhibition tennis matches arranged by the Association on behalf of the hospitals in the County, and staged on the courts of the Basford Tennis Club yesterday afternoon and evening.

As reported in last night's "Sentinel," world-famous players took part in the exhibition games, in the persons of Miss Dorothy Round, Britain's No. 1 lady player; Senorita A. Lizana, the Chilian and British hard courts champion; Kho Sin Kie, the Chinese Davis Cup captain; and Donald W. Butler, the England and Worcestershire player.

The Association officials were fortunate in securing the services of such an array of "stars" and great interest was taken in their appearance. Tennis enthusiasts from all parts of North Staffordshire were present to witness a most attractive programme, and the standard of tennis provided was in keeping with such an eventful occasion. With the weather and all conditions very favourable, there was also nothing lacking to ensure the complete enjoyment of the event.


In addition to the international players taking part in the exhibition games, C. C. Bullock and Moore asked to oppose Kho Sin Kie and Butler in the men's doubles event, and, although the Staffordshire pair were decisively beaten, they gave a most creditable show.

The programme consisted of a ladies' singles event between Miss Dorothy Round and Senorita Lizana; a men's singles match between Kho Sin Kie and D. W. Butler; a mixed doubles event in which the players were Senorita Lizana and Kho Sin Kie and Miss Dorothy Round and D. W. Butler; and a men's doubles game between D. W. Butler and Kho Sin Kie and C. C. Bullock and A. J. Moore.

An interesting feature of the singles event between Miss Round and Senorita Lizana was the extensive use by both players of the drop shot, in the use of which the Chilean champion is an acknowledged expert. Senorita Lizana has employed the shot with great success in her former games in this country. In yesterday's game, however, the Chilean girl several times found her match in Miss Round. Both players used shots of this character with telling effect, and the spectators were also appreciative of some fine driving from the base line. Another feature of the exhibition was the superb cross-court back-hand driving of Senorita Lizana, the Chilean girl winning many points with her drives.


In the men's singles match, the play of Kho Sin Kie was particularly attractive. The Chinese player's well-controlled shots gained him many points against Butler, who also played extremely well. Butler employed a very fast service, which had Kho Sin Kie disconcerted at times, but the Chinese player later overcame his early difficulties in this respect and returned the ball with telling effect. Khi Sin Kie showed himself a master of every variety of shot, and took the set on his merits.

The mixed doubles event was a game in which the four players taking part gave of their best, providing the spectators with some exciting and spectacular play. The whole range of shots was covered by Senorita Lizana, Miss Round, Kho Sin Kie and D. W. Butler.

In the men's doubles, Bullock and Moore were somewhat overawed by the occasion in the early stages of the match, displaying a nervousness which led them into making mistakes. Bullock and Moore improved later, however, to give Kho Sin Kie and Butler quite a good game. In the second set the Staffordshire pair each produced good tennis to take two games.

Among the large crowd present were the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Stoke-on-Trent (Alderman and Mrs. J. A. Dale) the Mayor and Mayoress of Newcastle (Alderman and Mrs. R. Myott) and Sir Francis Joseph, K. B. E., D.I.

At the conclusion of the exhibition, Miss Dorothy Round expressed thanks, on behalf of the visitors, for the cordial welcome which they had received to the City, and she expressed the hope that a return visit would be possible in the near future.

Each visiting player was presented by the Staffordshire Lawn Tennis Association with a Doulton figure, suitably inscribed, as a memento of the occasion.


The stewards for the exhibition matches were:- Mr. A. P. Ford, Mr. P. T. N. Forester, Mr. F. Gibbons, Mr. G. S. Green, Mr. J. B. Haden, Mr. H. T. Heatley, Mr. F. T. Jacks, Mr. H. B. Mawdesley, Mr. C. J. Noke, Mr. J. W. Shirley, Mr. A. C. Swann, Mrs. Heatley, Mrs. A. D. Munro, and Mrs. C. J. Noke.

The ball boys, selected from the junior members of the club were Clive Howson, Peter Price, David Russell, Roy Sherwin and Patrick Woodhead.

The results were as follows:
Ladies' singles - Miss Round took the first set 6-4 and Senorita Lizana the second set at 7-5.
Men's singles - Kho Sin Kie beat D. W. Butler 6-4.
Mixed doubles - Senorita Lizana and Kho Sin Kie lost the first set to Miss Dorothy Round and D. W. Butler at 5-7 and took the second set 7-5.
Men's doubles - Kho Sin Kie and D. W. Butler beat C. C. Bullock and A. J. Moore 6-1, 6-2.
Each of the four exhibition games was umpired by Mr. N. F. Gibbons.

Evening Sentinel, 15 May 1937
Courtesy of The Sentinel News & Media